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Current Situation

There is a great demand throughout the United States for safe and convenient truck parking facilities.

Due to the impressive growth of the Trucking Industry, there is a great demand throughout the United States for safe and convenient parking facilities, which have become a critical part of the logistics chain. The actual shortage of these facilities generates severe problems for the industry. At present, for every parking space available, eleven additional more are needed.

Cargo Theft: A $15 to $35 Billion Problem

  • Cargo theft in the United States is a $15 to $35 billion industry.
  • Data compiled by the NICB showed that in 2017, there were 8,676 cargo vehicle thefts reported, or about 24 thefts every day.

Shortage of convenient parking facilities.

  • Not always good locations.
  • No standardized facilities and services.
  • Not always with security systems.

The inconvenience of utilizing facilities from many diverse owners.

  • No consistency in services, quality, and security.
  • Not always accessible for reservations.

TRUCK PARKING PROBLEM IN THE NEWS – The severe lack of big rig parking in the USA is in the news almost every day. On radio, TV printed magazines, and newspaper columns this situation is gaining tremendous attention.



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